JEMMA is an open source project that provides a reference implementation of the Energy@home technical specifications |
Energy@home Association signed an official liaison with the ZigBee Alliance that brought to the definition of the ZigBee Home Automation 1.2 international standard |
Energy@home Association signed an official liaison with the EEBus Initiative to collaborate for a common Smart Home Data Model |
e-Kitchen is an italian project, supported by the Italian Government within the Industria 2015 initiative, that adopted the Energy@home specifications and implemented a connected kitchen. It was also presented at EuroCucina2014 |
“Casa Jasmina” is a two-year pilot project of the Arduino community in the business space of domestic electronic networking, or, “the Internet of Things in the Home.”
Energy@home is a sponsor of the project.
For more information: casa jasmina web site |